Sunday, September 6, 2009

God did a whole lot of cool things...

...but imagine my surprise when the most incredible fruit I've ever had turned out to be something we made. It's called a Dinosaur Egg Pluot. Now, granted, I would have NEVER looked twice at something called a "pluot" that I had never seen or heard of before. And if it hadn't been for the markered sign above it with the elusive "Dinosaur Egg" heading I would still be living there. Dinosaur Egg. That's all I saw. I don't remember anything after that except being back in the CVS breakroom eating one. 

I did a real small amount of computer research to bring to you a little Pluot history. Don't worry, though, because I just did a little research because I didn't want to get bored.

Pluots were commercially sold for the first time in 1989. Pluots are 30% plum and 70% apricot. (Warning: Opinion Ahead) I like neither plums nor apricots. Floyd Zaiger was a California fruit-breeder who developed the pluot because he thought the "plumcot" (50% plum, 50% apricot) tasted like ass. Well, not really, I think he just thought he could do it better than Luther Burbank, the father of the plumcot. Which I can understand because I'm already thinking about making a 50% pluot and 50% plumcot.....I call it the PLUOTCOT. :::cue the Frankenstein music::: Social science majors can do all KINDS of stuff now.


  1. Yay! Sarah Trementozzi is a blogger! Looking forward to some hilarious future posts about other random stuff. ;)

  2. This brings back high school memories of Punnett squares, or whatever they're called? It's like a 4-square, but for genes. And potentially now for fruit. Pretty cool, I say. Bring on more fruity hybrids!

  3. Also - I love where your blog name comes from. Or at least, where I think it comes from..... Finn.

  4. Ry - You win the Glee quiz no one knew they were playing. ;)

  5. Sarah, I'm pretty sure you've got more fun things to say on here... don't make me delete you from my google reader for lack of updates!

  6. Dear Jordan, It has come to my recent attention that I don't do cool things. You're witness.
